Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

  • Three tips for keeping your child's eyes healthy

    There are a number of steps you can take to keep your child's eyes healthy. Read on to find out more. Have their eyes examined regularly One of the most effective ways to ensure that your child's eyes remain healthy is to bring them to your optometrist for an eye examination at least once a year. This examination will give your optometrist the opportunity to check your child's eyesight for signs of long or short-sightedness, amblyopia (otherwise known as 'lazy eye') and other eye conditions.

  • Pterygia: A Quick Overview of Everything You Need to Know

    Plenty of areas across the country experience more than their fair share of bright and sunny days. That's part of the reason why holidaymakers continue to head to Australia, and it isn't exactly bad for natives either. However, such extensive exposure to UV light can cause health issues, and one of the lesser-known problems is pterygium, sometimes referred to as 'surfer's eye'. Here's a quick overview of everything you need to know.

2022© Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog
About Me
Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Matthew, and my blog focuses on everything related to optometry, with an emphasis on making the most of your vision consultations with your optometrists. Although I am not an optometrist, I have been involved in the industry for years as a glasses wearer. I hope that the facts, ideas and range of posts about optometry here help you, and if you share them, I hope they help your friends as well. When I'm not typing on a computer, I love to do woodworking, ski, read, follow politics and spend time with my family.