Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

  • An Overview Of The 3 Main Types Of Retinal Detachment

    Retinal detachment is a serious condition that requires surgical treatment to prevent permanent loss of vision. A complete or partial detachment of the retina from the back of the eye prevents the brain from receiving clear images from the retina. This causes you to experience a degree of vision loss and visual disturbances, such as blurred vision and floaters and flashes. Here's an overview of the three main types of retinal detachment and current corrective surgery options:

  • Got An Eye Exam? 3 WaysTo Make Your Optometrist Visit Really Count

    Many people make the mistake of thinking that an eye exam with the optometrist is just about reading a few lines and getting a prescription if you need glasses. Being well prepared allows the optometrist to offer personalised solutions for your needs. Follow these tactics to make your optometrist visit count for a lot more than you imagined. Write Down A List Of Questions Or Symptoms You Wish To Discuss

2022© Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog
About Me
Critical Vision Consulting: An Optometry Blog

Welcome to my blog. My name is Matthew, and my blog focuses on everything related to optometry, with an emphasis on making the most of your vision consultations with your optometrists. Although I am not an optometrist, I have been involved in the industry for years as a glasses wearer. I hope that the facts, ideas and range of posts about optometry here help you, and if you share them, I hope they help your friends as well. When I'm not typing on a computer, I love to do woodworking, ski, read, follow politics and spend time with my family.